Columbus Ohio Nemt Insurance


Columbus Ohio Nemt InsuranceAre you searching for the best price for Non Emergency Medical Transportation Insurance in Columbus Ohio?

If so, call the license agents of Pathway Insurance by dialing 1-800-998-0662.

As a broker, we are highly skilled in providing the commercial insurance needed for new ventures and experienced Transportation Companies across the United States.

If it is more convenient, text us at 513-662-7000 asking for a quote or use our handy online chat system.

If you find our website either early in the morning or late in the evening, feel free to use our online quote request system by clicking on any of the links that you see below:

Shopping for NEMT Insurance in Columbus Ohio Can Be Tricky!

Our previous story that, you can read on our main page:

We find a medical doctor, Stephanie Happenstance, deciding to act on advice from past college friend Janice Sierra to launch a Transportation Company that she can use to offer transportation for her existing patients and to attract new patients.

Based on Janice’s advice, it seemed like an excellent idea.

However, Stephanie ran into some problems. She first obtained a price quote from the agent caring for her auto and homeowners insurance and felt that the price of around $17,000 was too much — taking the initiative to shop on her own, Stephanie decided to get a quote online from the company Janice purchased insurance from only to discover within seven days that this company did not offer NEMT Insurance in Ohio.

This whole situation wasn’t apparent to Stephanie. Why would the company not sell Ohio NEMT Insurance but offer it in another state?

Now she is back to square one and begins to consult her notes.

Working With a Specialist Is Better Than a Generalist.

Stephanie decided to begin a new online search, and she noticed an insurance brokerage found on Google she had not previously called. This agency is not local, so she initially dismissed the idea of working with an agent not in her hometown. Thinking she may not have an alternative, she calls to see if they can help.

Stephanie dialed the listed number speaking to the receptionist, who immediately connected her with an agent whose first name was Kerry. Before Kerry can greet her, Stephanie asks, “Does your company provide commercial insurance for Non Medical Transportation Companies??”

Kerry answers Stephanie’s question, “Why yes, we do. We specialize in providing Non Emergency Medical Transportation Insurance in Columbus, Ohio, but we also provide this type of insurance throughout the United States. I see from your caller ID that you were calling from Columbus. Are you just getting into the business or a seasoned pro?”

Kerry’s question, kind voice, and demeanor instantly cause Stephanie to feel at ease, so she explains how much the first quote cost from her friend who cares for her auto and homeowners insurance and her experience purchasing insurance online.

“Stephanie, I have to say that you sound like you’ve been through the wringer. I’m so sorry this happened to you. If you don’t mind, can I ask you some questions to gather some information, and then I can get back in touch with you soon to let you know what options are available?

“Sure, ask away, Kerry.”

“Do you have any experience transporting patients, or are you in the medical field?”

I’m a physician, and part of my residency was working in the ER. I also worked as a paramedic for a private emergency response company while working my way through residency, so yes, I got to drive the ambulance.”

Kerry responds, “Good for you, Stephanie. That will work in your favor. Are you giving up your medical practice?”

Stephanie explains, “Oh no, I hired two drivers, and I have a part-time operations manager who will handle everything else. I’m doing this to help my medical practice but also as an investment. That’s not a problem, is it?”

Kerry answers, “Not at all. We insure many companies where the owner has set up purely for investment purposes because the rate of return is good compared to investing in the stock market if your company is well-run.”

“If you don’t mind, Stephanie,” Kerry continues, I’d like to share some details about Ohio NEMT Insurance and give you some details on what kind of plan you will qualify for, and then after that, I’ll share some ballpark pricing with you.”

“That would be great, Kerry. I have some time.” Stephanie suggests.

Click Nemt Insurance Cleveland Ohio, to learn about the types of plans that are available for Non Emergency Medical Transportation Insurance.

The Best Options for Columbus Ohio Nemt Insurance — One Call or Click Away!

It’s essential to work with an agent that understands your industry. You can trust Pathway Insurance’s agents to help you whether you are a new venture and just getting started or have been in the transportation business for many years.

Use our toll-free number at 1-800-998-0662 four our direct phone at 513-662-7000. You can also send text messages to them.

We look forward to helping you with your commercial needs.

If you find our website after hours, please use any of the links below to request quotes.